Welcome to Op ACVA’s “Frequently Asked Questions” ! 

    What is ACVA?

    • ACVA is the acronym used to describe the Parliamentary Committee on Veteran’s Affairs; it starts with the french for Veterans (Ancient Combattants) and then the acronym for Veterans Affairs (VA).  The Committee is composed of many Members of Parliament from four different political parties, who meet regularly when Parliament is sitting to discuss issues or concerns relevant to CAF and RCMP Veterans.

    What is “the Experience of Women Veterans” ACVA Study?

    • In late 2022 ACVA members approved a motion to study women Veterans and to name the study “The Experience of Women Veterans” . It was decided to do a longitudinal study and a precedent-setting 23 meetings captured testimony on this study from women that served from the 1960s- presently. The study was finalized in May 2024 and tabled in Parliament on June 12, 2024. The final report was titled “Invisible No More. The Experience of Canadian Women Veterans”. Government now has 120 days (October 10th, 2024) to respond to the report’s recommendations. See “Timeline” tab for more background information.

    What is the purpose of “Op ACVA”?

    • Op ACVA’s mission is to ensure the implementation of all report recommendations. Op ACVA aspires to hold government accountable to fulfill the ACVA report recommendations in a manner that uses inclusive intersectional participatory principles (leave no one being and nothing about us, without us) 

    Why do we need to do “Op ACVA”?

    • Government has a long history of not implementing the recommendations made to it in various reports, including ACVA reports.
    • Similar to with the Arbour Report, some form of oversight is required to ensure government is kept focused and accountable to implement the recommendations.
    • Also, by being a standalone independent resource – our advocacy work can continue through any future federal election call (on or before October 2025) and any subsequent changes in government.

    Who will decide if an ACVA report recommendation is implemented?

    • Lived Experience RCMP and CAF current and previously serving members with input from their supporters and allies. So if you are interested to have your voice count… sign up to the mailing list to receive future polling questions. 

    How will it be decided when a ACVA recommendation is implemented?

    • It is hoped that in the weeks and months ahead a mailing list can grow to a meaningful polling size.
    • Surveys will then be sent out that will collect any voluntarily provided self-identification measures of intersectionality (race, age, etc)  along with your thoughts of what  milestones and endpoints will be required for a recommendation to be considered “implemented”.
    • We will review and update our implementation report card findings at the end of each parliamentary session (twice a year).

    Is Op ACVA political?

    • Yes – we are political but that is a “small p” political. We are not partisan. 
    •  It is not actually possible to advocate for military or Veteran issues or to seek government accountable without technically being “political”. 
    • You can however be advocating for change in government and parliament without being “big p” Political ie Partisan politics. 
    • You are welcome to Op ACVA regardless of what political party you do or dont vote for. We need everyone. We are stronger together. 
    • All we ask is that you put the needs of Veterans ahead of any partisan party politics. 
    • ​No political exploitation of Veterans for the benefit of political parties please. 
    • Veterans first. 

    Who is paying for this website?

    • The website is privately funded from women Veterans, including Op ACVA participants. At this time – we are not requiring or requesting more funds. 

    Are you going to be making Op ACVA into a not for profit?

    • It is 100% agreed that Canadian Women Veterans need a more formally organized voice ideally a charity or a not for profit association. However, that is not the goal of Op ACVA at this time.